From the heart of New York City comes four friends from all areas of musical theatre. With several years of corporate, cruise ship,regional,and broadway level theatre between them you’ll marvel at the talentt hese four bring to The Grapevine Group! With experience like Krista Buccellato’s performances as Cristine Daaéin Phantom of the Opera, Adam Machart’s featured solos with The NY Pops at Carnegie Hall, Dan Faber’s portrayal as Oliver Warbuck’s in Annie,and Vaden Thurgood’s many years guest entertaining with The Unexpected Boys and The Jersey Tenors…you’re sure to get the best of the best with their new tribute to Creedence Clearwater Revival: Through The Grapevine.So sit back, relax, kick up your boots,and enjoy the hits that put CCR on top of the charts!