


Vocalist Female

Home Region

London, UK

Minutes of Material


Show Language

Chinese, English


Mary-Jess: the English rose who won the hearts of China when she was voted the winner of ‘The Chinese X Factor’.

The only British soprano who can deliver shows in Mandarin Chinese, Mary-Jess was the first British woman to be accepted into Lord Wei’s Diaspora Emerging Leadership Program in The House of Lords.

Mary-Jess has performed at NASA in Houston, to Royalty in Windsor Castle, was chosen to sing the Downton Abbey theme song for the Official Soundtrack albums and has shared the stage with music legends such as Sir Tim Rice, Don Black, Robert Plant, Katherine Jenkins, Steve Winwood, and the National Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Anthony Inglis, to name a few.

Mary-Jess has performed to live audiences of over 100,000 people, and was asked to sing 'Abide With Me' at the FA Cup Final in Wembley Stadium for a live audience of 90,000 people and a worldwide TV audience of 300 million people.

After performing at The GREAT Festival of Creativity in Shanghai, Mary-Jess was invited to Number 10 Downing Street where she was asked by The Foreign Office to represent UK music as an ambassador for The GREAT Britain Campaign, an initiative created by His Majesty’s Government, in 144 countries around the world.

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