


Instrumental Violin

Home Region

Brisbane, AU

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KATEI is a young classically trained rock violinist who is recognised as one of Asia’s most exuberant and unconventional artists that has even Beethoven rocking in his grave.

KATEI’s unique style and flare set him apart from other artists and ultimately landed him an opportunity with a major record label, Victor Entertainment Japan. In November 2009, KATEI released his debut album “JOURNEY” and has since been performing all over the world including Japan and Australia,China, Korea and Taiwan, alongside many major artists.

KATEI speaks fluently in 4 different languages: English, Japanese, Chinese and Taiwanese. A truly borderless individual with a borderless music that does not lie solely within the realms of classical music. His heavily rock influenced violin playing style, along with his composition make for a refreshingly new sound.

The heart-warming, yet aggressive sound of his violin has charmed many from numerous generations.


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