The Beatles Celebration “From the Cavern to the Rooftops”
From the cavern to the Rooftops is undoubtedly the most genuine live recapturing of the music of The Beatles. The complete show is a two-hour internationally acclaimed theatrically staged concert recreating The Beatles musical journey from 1962 to 1970. From “Some Other Guy” in the depths of the Cavern Club to “Let it Be” and the roof top performance, this live extravaganza takes the audience through some of the most exciting, hand-clapping, jewellery-jangling Beatles songs while remembering to take time to pull on the audiences emotions with such classics as “The Long and Winding Road” and “Yesterday”.
Not only do the band stand up to the high standards the Beatles set themselves on stage using all the original instruments, the audience are completely won over and are transported to their own live Beatles show. The performance is made even more authentic with a number of costume changes to reflect the period of the songs. The original grey cavern suits open the show, then the journey takes you through with changes into “With the Beatles”, “Hard days Night” and “Help”; the Pepper uniforms are so real and the final call with the Abbey Road crossing outfits really tops it all off. But what’s really authentic, they really are all the way from Liverpool.